Keep hanging on
Pine and oiled douglas fir with six nails, 52 x 28 cm, 2020

Voor u een vraag voor mij een weet
Charcoal, graphite, colored pencil and paper on poplar multiplex hanging on clothes hanger - 44 x 50 cm - 2020

He died as a surprise act
Aquarel, colored pencil and graphite on multiple wood types, 44 x 21 cm, 2020

Een vuiltje aan de lucht
Oilpaint, acrylics, imitational doveshit and dovepins on canvas, 34 x 29 cm, 2019

Aquarel on poplar multiplex with divers materials - 26 x 55 cm - 2020

A light cloud drops heavy tears
Ghesso and charcoal on shaped canvas with bones made out of multiple wood types, variable dimensions, 2020

Naar de Bliksem
A diptich, dynamic dimensions, 2018

Vogeltje Pik
Oilpaint and three darts on self made birdhouse, variable dimensions, 2018

Eye Candy
Sculpted mdf, 20 x 26 x 4 cm, 2020

What's left of the whitecube
Wallpaint on wood with rope and nails, 33 x 28 cm, 2020

Close but no cigar
Wood with foam rubber feathers, 25 x 5 cm, 2018

Beeldgrap valt van de bovenste plank
Oilpaint, acrylics, charcoal and chinese ink on canvas with wooden piece of painted cheese, 20 x 15 cm, 2019

Valspelen is ook een kunst
A set of six different dices with display box, every dice has the same number on each side. Chinese ink on wood, variable dimensions, 2019

Bij klare hemel/ Upon a clear sky
Oilpaint and mixed media on and around canvas (with glow in the dark lightningbolt), 35 x 27 cm, 2019

Canvas with Artist Made Fame
Canvas with artist made frame, 26 x 21 cm, 2018

Expres per ongeluk
Graphite, ballpoint pen and marker on poplar plywood with artist made frame, 17 x 12 cm, 2020

The Spirit of a sculpture, the Soul of a Painting
Oilpaint on formed raw canvas with metal attachment, 23 x 7,5 cm, 2019

Oilpaint on (reversed) canvas, 72 x 57 cm, 2019

De losse vijs/ The lost screw
Wood and screws (with one missing screw), 17 x 11 cm, 2019

Sweaty-handed painted painting
Acrylics and oilpaint on wood with zinc nails an pull fireworks, 20 x 16 cm, 2019

"In de maat schilderen"
Mixed media on mixed media, 29 x 29 x 22 cm (and drum sticks), 2018

Op het nippertje/ In the nick of time
Oilpaint, graphite and collage on artist made pallet, 38 x 30 cm, 2019

Parallelpet/ Parallelcap
A cap based on the artist original, one for in the exhibition, one for wearing at the opening. Acrylics on mixed media, 28 x 19 x 11 cm, 2018

Oilpaint and charcoal on wood with brass hinges - variable dimensions - 2018

Vederlicht/ Light as a feather
Charcoal, acrylics, varnish, tape and mixed media on canvas, 24 x 18 cm, 2019

Blikvanger/ Eyecatcher
Wood on wood, nails, graphite and white scratchletters, 37 x 18 cm, 2019

Meten is niet altijd weten/ Knowing how to measure is not always treasure
Wood on wood with iron wire, colored pencil, chinese ink and screws, 35 x 25 cm, 2019

Oilpaint, charcoal, and woodlaquer on wood, 13 x 9 cm, 2018

Never sent mail art (some day I'll send it)
Oilpaint and graphite on prepped canvas, 23 x 10 cm, 2019

Hesitation situation (triptych)
Mixed media on hardwood plywood an pine boxes, variable dimensions, 2019

Hesitation situation (triptych)
Mixed media on hardwood plywood an pine boxes, variable dimensions, 2019

The rotten fish catches up with the Puss in Boots (diptych)
Oilpaint on linen and cotton canvas with artist made frames, both 20 x 26 cm, 2019

Aan het lijntje gehouden
Acrylics on selfmade pencil with white-red striped rope and zinc nail, variable dimensions, 2019

Het doel heiligt de middelen
Diptich of two arrows, one is a pencil, the other has a pencil eraser as a point. They have to be shown in the same exhibition apart from each other. Wood, white goose feathers, pencil gum, colored pencil, 90 cm long , 2019

Naar de Bliksem
A diptich, dynamic dimensions, 2018

Naar de Bliksem
A diptich, dynamic dimensions, 2018

Op de loer/ On the lurk
Aquarel, colored pencil, graphite, paper and wiggly eye on multiple wood types, 25 x 19 cm, 2019

Staring contest
A work that for one time stares back at you. If the staring gaze gets to uncomfortable for the viewer he can close the hole. "Wiggly eyes" and nails on hardwood multiplex and pine, variable dimentions, 2019

I swallowed a pencil (once)
Drawing pencil, plastic, staples and multiple wood types, 50 x 27 cm, 2019

Poplar multiplex with nails on canvas stretcher with sandpaper tongue, 28 x 28 cm, 2020

Salut en de kost
Brown PVC-tape and yellow plastic tape on mdf and pine box, 56 x 38 x 5 cm, 2019

Gray day in paradise
Aquarel on zerkall with thumbnails in artist made frame (mdf), 36 x 27 cm, 2019

Driftkikker op drift
Aquarel, colored pencil and graphite on wood with old frame, 24 x 28 cm, 2020

A tree down memory lane
Chinese ink and scratches on birch plywood with artist made knife, 60 x 38 cm + hanging knife, 2019

Moord op een medium
Pencil pointed arrow with white goose feathers trough prepped linen canvas, 90 x 45 cm, 2020

The flag of the painters is a sculpture
Painters linen, diverse wood types, PVC and iron, (+/-) 270 x 80 cm, 2019

The flag of the painters is a sculpture
Painters linen, diverse wood types, PVC and iron, (+/-) 270 x 80 cm, 2019

The flag of the painters is a sculpture
Painters linen, diverse wood types, PVC and iron, (+/-) 270 x 80 cm, 2019

Een knoop in mijn zakdoek/ A knot in my hankerchief
Self made brush: wood (mdf), woodglue and brush head, 30 x 10 cm, 2019

Over schilderen/ About painting
Ghesso on linen canvas in old sportsock, 43 x 25 cm, 2018

Sculpted plywood, 30 x 43 cm, 2020

Oorverdovende stilte
Sculpted hardwood plywood and poplar plywood, (+/-) 100 cm tall, 2019

Oorworm/ Earworm
Acrylic on plywood relief with artist made oak frame, 26 x 22 cm, 2019 (an honor to H. C. W.)

A drunk man's cubism
Concrete plywood and pine with engraved words, 20 x 25 x 5,5 cm, 2020

De wacht houden/ On the watchout
Sculpted wood in tin can, 16 x 7 cm, 2020

Het laatste ochtendmaal
Sculpted mdf with rope, 40 x 40 cm, 2020

Don't be scared, it's just art
On purpose damaged poplar plywood with staples and rusty nails, 20 x 17 cm, 2020

Memento Mori
First three (test) bakings of an eatable art multiple in speculaas (traditional flemish/ dutch cookie) the shape and image of the cookie is artist made, 30 x 23 cm, 2020

Letterbox that ejects the written complaints. Berch multiplex box engraved with inscription "Complaints Only" with steel holders for paper, envelopes and pencil. Variable dimensions, 2020

Letterbox that ejects the written complaints. Berch multiplex box engraved with inscription "Complaints Only" with steel holders for paper, envelopes and pencil. Variable dimensions, 2020

Are yin and yang strangling one another?
Sculpted pine and poplar multiplex, (+/-) 150 x 130 cm, 2020

Acrylics and colored pencil on paper and carboard with artist made frame, 50 x 33 cm, 2020

Growing pains
Mixed media on sculpted pine, 30 x 20 x 10 cm, 2020

Clear Thoughts in the Mind of a Fruitcake
Mixed media on wood (multiple wood types, PVC, plastic, acrylic paint, sandpaper and found objects) , 43 x 18 x 18 cm , 2020